Presentation: Freemasons, Unitarians and the Founding of UVM - Mar. 16

Past event
Mar 16, 2014, 2 to 3:30 PM

Freemasons, Unitarians, and the Founding of the University of Vermont with speaker, Vincent Feeney
Sunday, March 16 at 2 p.m.

The inscription on the base of Ira Allen’s statue on the UVM Green reads: “Ira Allen, Founded this University, 1791.” But how much of a founder was he? Might the true founders be a small group of individuals associated with the Masonic order and the liberal wing of the Congregational church that came to be known as Unitarianism? And could UVM be considered the first public institution of higher education in New England?

Vince Feeney is a well known speaker and former resident of Marshfield, Vermont. The Jaquith Public Library is pleased to welcome him back to Marshfield in order to share with us his findings on this fascinating subject. Vince Feeney’s current historical research sheds light on the origins of the university and of the social controversies that plagued it in its earliest days.

All are welcome. Free.
Jaquith Public Library, School Street, Marshfield, VT. Visit or call 426-3581 for more information.

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