Emerald Ash Borer Training

Past event
Mar 16, 2019, 1 to 3 PM

Dear Calais Resident,
The Emerald Ash Borer is coming for our Ash Trees. We need your help. The Calais Conservation Commission is working to do what we can to slow the spread of this beetle and be prepared with a plan when our Ash trees do start to succumb, as almost all will, to this invasive pest.
We will be conducting an Ash tree inventory so we know where the Ash Trees are in our town. The inventory will identify trees on the public right-of-way along our town roads and in the town cemeteries. The inventory will alert us to high risk trees that may drop limbs as well as identify trees that may be candidates for treatment. We need help to conduct this inventory.
On March 16th we will have a training on how to identify Ash trees and how to conduct the inventory. We will then go out in teams to cover as many miles of Calais town roads as we can. We plan to have teams meet on several Saturdays after the training to continue the work. If you can participate on even one Saturday, that would be a tremendous help.
This will be an opportunity to meet some of your neighbors, have something tasty to snack on, and get outdoors at that time of year when we're all really ready to be outside.

If you would like to help, mark the date on your calendar:
• March 16th 1-3:00 PM
• Maple Corner Community Center
• Bring your cell phone or tablet if you have one. There will be an Ash Tree Inventory App that we will be able to download at the training. If you don't have one, no problem! We need you!

We hope to have many of you join us in this outdoor adventure. Please email Larry Bush at cambs.larry@gmail.com or look for a sign-up sheet at Calais stores and Post offices.
We hope to see you in Maple Corners on March 16th!

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