Meeting - Friends of Carpenter-Carse Library Mar. 12

Past event
Mar 12, 2019, 7:15 PM

The friends of the Carpenter-Carse Library (FCCL) are having a meeting on March 12 at 7:15 PM the library. Anyone can attend. Our main order of business is to talk about our next fundraisers: a garden tour and the annual book sale. If you are interested in helping out at either or just chatting with us, please come! The FCCL is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The purposes of the FCCL are to provide a medium to share enthusiasm for books, to focus public attention on the library, to stimulate the use of library resources and services, to support the librarian and the board in developing services and facilities, to raise funds and to encourage volunteerism at the library.
At their September meeting, FCCL members voted to fund the following items from the Library director's wish list: A Sunshine Fund for staff and volunteers, three Kindle Fires and two iPads. All residents and library patrons are encouraged to join the Friends, by coming to meetings, donating books to the annual sale, buying books at the annual sale or supporting the library in any way you see fit!

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