Special City Council and Liquor Control Meeting

Past event
Mar 11, 2019, 6 to 8 PM

Join Winooski City Council and the Liquor Control Board for a special meeting:

Monday, 3/11/19 – 6:00 pm @ Winooski City Hall (27 W. Allen Street)

City Council Agenda:

I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Agenda Review
IV. Regular Items
a. Swearing in Mayor Kristine Lott
b. Swearing in Councilors; James Duncan, Amy Lafayette and Michael Myers
V. Public Comment
VI. Consent Agenda
a. Approval: Minutes of Winooski Community Development Trust Board of Trustees, February 19 and Council Minutes of February 19 and 26
b. Approval: Warrant ending 03/08/2019; Payroll 02/10/2019 -02/23/2019 & Subsequent to Payout January
c. Approval: Engagement Letter – Agreed Upon Procedures Audit for Tax Increment Financing District
VII. City Update
VIII. Council Reports
IX. Regular Items:
a. Discussion: City Council Orientation
b. Discussion: 2019-2020 Council Schedule
c. Discussion: Mayor and Council Rules of Procedure
d. Discussion: Conflict of Interest Policy
X. Executive Session
a. Contracts - 1 V.S.A. § 313 (1) (B) labor relations agreements with employees
b. Pending Litigation - Pursuant to 1 V.S.A. §313 (1) (E) "pending litigation to which the public body is a part" – and (2) "the negotiating ….of real estate purchase or lease options"
XI. Adjourn

Liquor Control Board Agenda:

I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Regular Items:
a. 1st Class Liquor License, Outside Consumption Permit, Restaurant License and Sidewalk Usage Permit for Segunda Vez, LLC dba El Cortijo, 3 E. Allen St.
IV. Adjourn

Download the agendas and meeting packets for this meeting: http://bit.ly/2EVCxvu

Winooski City Council meetings are open to the public - community members are encouraged to participate. For more information on Winooski City Council, visit https://www.winooskivt.org/city-council/.

Questions regarding this meeting can be sent to Carol Barrett, Winooski City Clerk: cjbarrett@winooskivt.org / 802 655 6410

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