Growing Great Perennials

Past event
Mar 16, 2019, 10 AM to 12 PM

Growing Great Perennials Including Old Favorites and Lesser-Known Beauties
Presenter: Henry Homeyer

Saturday, March 16th 10 AM - 12 PM
North Branch Nature Center
713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VT

Have you ever wished you could grow showy lady slipper orchids or the famous Himalayan blue poppy? Henry grows both and will give you hints about how to do so. But some of your favorites like beebalm also have quirks that you might not know. Henry will share his experience of growing them for over 40 years. He will be pleased to answer your questions and will bring some of his books and his favorite weeding tool for sale after the talk.

Henry Homeyer is a garden writer and the author of 4 gardening books including "The Vermont Gardener's Companion." He writes a weekly gardening column that appears in a dozen newspapers and 2 blog sites, and has been writing his column over 20 years. He does commentary for Vermont Public Radio and has taught sustainable gardening at Granite State College. He has been a UNH Master Gardener for over 20 years.
FREE and Open to the Public
Sponsored by Central Chapter UVM Extension Master Gardeners

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