Walking Club in Bristol
The new Walking Club in Bristol begins on Saturday March 16th. This community club will meet once a week in Bristol village. The walking club is designed to be an enjoyable, social, non-competitive means of adding physical activity to your day. All are welcome!
Our Walking Club Kick-Off Event will be the 30 Miles in 30 Days Walking Challenge. We will meet at 1PM at Bristol Recreation Field for a group walk on Saturday, March 16th. To register for the Walking Challenge and receive your log book and invitations to future group walks, visit https://comealiveoutside.com/mile-a-day/ Or, you may register in person at Lawrence Memorial Library in Bristol, or at Lincoln, Monkton, New Haven, and Starksboro Libraries.
For more information contact: Meridith McFarland, Bristol Recreation Director, at recdirector@bristolvt.org, or 453-5885. Sponsored by The Bristol Recreation Department, RiseVT and Come Alive Outside. Additional information is available from Michele Butler, RiseVT at mbutler@portermedical.org, 388-8804
Mar 8, 2025, 9 AM to 2 PM
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