Free Sample Music Class for 4 & 5 Year Olds - Saturday

Past event
Mar 9, 2019, 11:15 AM to 12 PM

Posting for a friend.

Free Sample Music Class for 4 & 5 Year Olds - Saturday
Andrea Soberman • • Kimberly Lane, Waterbury
Event: Mar 9, 2019, 11:15 AM to 12:00 PM

Join Miss Andrea of Musical Munchkins for a Free SAMPLE class of our brand new Makin Music Young Musicians class for 4 & 5-year-olds- this Sat. March 9th for our UPCOMING SPRING SESSION 45-minute class held for 9 weeks beginning March 23rd Saturday: 11:20-12:00 - for 4 & 5-year-olds - this class is offered without adults, however, for the demo parents will observe and can participate in the class. (siblings welcome) at Green Mountain Performing Arts, 37 Commercial Drive, Waterbury, Vermont 05676

This is a wonderful social age, and our curriculum reflects that. Language, movement, rhythm, and melody are used in the game form to develop coordination, self-concept and creativity, and important listening skills, as well as to promote social and emotional skills, self- esteem and leadership skills. Children will explore
1. echo, group singing, partner games and acting out musical stories and exploring songs and musical activities from around the world
2., dancing and creative movement using scarves, streamers, puppets, canopies, parachutes, etc.
3. Exposure to beginning musical notation with our very popular wooden music notes,
4. learning how to be a conductor
5. Orchestrating songs with our beautiful Orff instruments, percussion, and ethnic instruments.
6. Solo, echo, and group singing to develop good pitch and vocal skills and learning how to sing into a microphone are just some of the activities.
7. Our curriculum draws from our own Musical Munchkins repertoire as well as from Pre-school educators and performers as Laurie Berkner and Lynn Kleiner to name a few.

This is designed for children who are not yet ready for formal lessons of learning to play a musical instrument but designed to build a foundation for music learning and the joy of making music throughout their lives.
FUN, FUN, FUN, FUN, FUN! while learning so much
Where memories are made, musicians are born, and joy abounds!
RSVP not required but appreciated-

Also because we have our regularly scheduled classes running also on that day a 9:40 class for 1-2, 10:30 class for 2-4's and 12:00 class for babies,, we ask if you can get their early to start on time.

Thank you
Miss Andrea of Musical Munchkins

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