Please join the Junior League of Champlain Valley (JLCV) as it hosts a ribbon cutting celebrating Chittenden County's first Diaper Bank.
Thursday, March 7 from 11:30AM to 1:30PM - program at 12:15PM.
JLCV Diaper Bank, 3060 Williston Road, Suite 4, South Burlington
The Diaper Bank has partnered with local food shelves, including Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf, to distribute 100,000 diapers annually. The service the Diaper Bank provides is essential because there is no government program to help families in need. In fact, diaper need impacts 1 and 3 U.S. families and the country's most vulnerable population - babies and toddlers. Without diapers, infants and toddlers cannot attend childcare or participate in early childhood education. Without childcare, parents cannot go to work or school.
The JLCV has invited press and local politicians to attend. Speakers include JLCV President Jill Everett, JLCV Diaper Bank Chair Amanda Herzberger, Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf Community Engagement Manager Anna McMahon, and Seventh Generation Manager of Community and Environmental Impact, Christopher Lyon. There will be refreshments.
Please sign up here:
You can learn more about the diaper bank at our website:
Looking forward to seeing folks there!