This week at Castleton Free Library we'll be reviving our "Meet Your Neighbor" discussion programs by partnering with Castleton University for a three-part Brown Bag Lunch series to introduce some of this year's international students. Please join us from noon to about 1:00 on Wednesday, Mar. 6th (and the first Wednesdays of April and May) for informal presentations by students in Adrienne Matunas's International Student Community Engagement course. They will talk about their cultures, homelands, and experiences living in Castleton, allowing time for questions and conversation afterward. The first session features guests from Mongolia (Ryenchin Myagmarsuren) and Honduras (Shirley Benítez Mejia) who will share photos and talk about traditional clothing. Other students are from Japan & China (April), and Georgia & the Philippines (May). The programs will be downstairs at the library on Main Street. There is an accessible entrance on the north side. We'll supply beverages; you bring your lunch! Free and open to all. Call us at 468-5574 with any questions, and follow the library on Facebook and Instagram for photos and updates.