LENTEN BOOK STUDY beginning Sunday March 10:
Announcing a Forum on "How We Know God . . . for wary believers and reluctant skeptics" . . . with special attention to the connections of science and religious faith
Addressing questions like –
· Can we believe in God in an age of science?
· Is it wrong to have doubts?
· How is Jesus both "a mirror of our humanity and a window into God?"
· How does our belief relate to prayer, worship, and service to others?
· Where in our society do we find God substitutes?
· How do people "have faith"? Where and how does it begin?
· How does contemporary science help us understand and know God?
and many others . . .
United Community Church of Morrisville, Fireplace Room,
Sunday mornings, with coffee, 11:15 a.m. starting March 10, 2019
(Doubters and seekers who are not church members are cordially welcome.)
Discussion Leader: Neal F. Fisher
Book resource: Neal's new book, Introduction to Christian Faith: A Deeper Way Seeing
(For more information speak to Pastor Marisa (888-2990) or to Neal [888.1908]
Jan 2, 2025, 1 to 2 PM
Ecstatic DanceJan 3, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Spirit Doll WorkshopJan 5, 2025, 10 AM to 3 PM