Hello Neighbors:
Busy civic engagement week coming up. Town Meeting Day on Tuesday...and also the first Thursday of the month...which means a Ward6 NPA meeting as well. A key feature of this month's meeting will be the nomination/election of the committee members. One member's term is up, so we definitely hope to have at least one more candidate (although any ward6 resident is absolutely welcome and entitled to come out and put their name in, there is no special privilege with respect to the present members!). Please contact any present committee member if you have an interest and would like to learn more. You can read more here:
The meeting will take place this coming Thursday March 7 at 7pm at the Greek Orthodox Church, 600 South Willard Street, on the corner of South Willard and Ledge Road at the rotary. Parking is available in the church lot, entrance off of Ledge Road. Additional parking can be found along Willard Street, as well as in front of Christ the King on Locust Street. All residents are welcome!
The agenda features the following:
6:45-7:00 Social Time and Refreshments
7:00-7:15: Public comment and NPA Steering Committee Elections
7:15-7:35: Transportation planning at Edmunds--Peggy O'Neill from Edmunds PTO and Allegra Williams from Local Motion
7:35-7:55: Electric Scooters/electric bikes/Segways in Burlington--Glenn Eames, former owner of Old Spokes Home; Bob Herendeen, Burlington Electric Commissioner; Barbara Headrick, Ward 6 resident
7:55-8:15: Moran FRAME project with Kirsten Merriman from CEDO
8:15-8:30: Report from the school board with Commissioners Clare Wool and Jeff Wick
8:30-8:45: Report from City Councilors Karen Paul and Joan Shannon
8:45-9:00: Report from UVM with Lisa Kingsbury and Champlain College with Sandy Yusen
If you cannot make it to the meeting (although we really hope you can), look for us on the channel17 YouTube channel:
We look forward to seeing our neighbors again, come on out! Subscribe to our Ward6 NPA newsletter at http://eepurl.com/c9pQlL
Matt Grady
Ward6 NPA committee member
Dec 20, 11 AM to 4 PM, Dec 21, 2024
Alpha Film Series at St. John Vianney ChurchDec 20, 2024, 6:15 to 8:30 PM
10th Annual Orchard Food Drive PlusDec 22, 2024, 10 AM to 12 PM