Introduction to Meditation: Wednesday, March 13, 1:00-3:00, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bennington, 108 School Street, Bennington.
Tame the mind, open the heart! We'll learn simple practices that give us emotional and mental self-control. We'll cover the basics of meditation: how to hold the body, how to watch the breath. We'll actually do these practices too, not just talk about it! Come learn to sit like a Buddha! People with mental and emotional challenges are especially encouraged to come because meditation can be an exciting tool for breakthrough to major self-empowerment. Presented by Theo Talcott. These workshops are designed to honor people with disabilities. Participation is also open to their care givers and allies. Events are free, but registration is required to ensure enough materials and seating. These are scent- and chemical-free events. Please let us know if you would like an ASL interpreter by 3/8/2019. To register, for more information, or to request accommodations, contact:
Lynn Mazza, VCIL, 802-442-1876,