Salisbury Town Meeting is this Saturday, beginning at 2pm. I have been reading the impressive Town Report which came several weeks ago, and am learning a lot about town workings. The Selectboard Report (p 24-25) gave me an update on the Cornwall Bridge replacement and the purchase of a new town chipper, among many items. There was information about updating the Energy Component of the Town Plan(p 22)..And our Town Clerk, Sue Scott reported on local and state efforts to keep voting procedures secure (p. 27) which has been of national interest. I was amazed to learn, (p 54) that 5th and 6th graders last year were part of a Shakespeare performance at Town Hall Theater! At the meeting this Saturday we will be able to learn much more about past town and school doings, and future possibilities, and to contribute our thoughts and opinions. The Salisbury Community School will be open at 1pm for community organizations to set up displays and information, and then open to residents at 1:30pm The formal meeting begins at 2pm, with school updates and a student presentation, followed by the town discussion. Childcare is available, and bring a potluck dish to share following the meeting. (Warming ovens will be on.....) We'll be happy to have help setting out dinner!! Town Meeting can help you make more informed voting decisions, and also get to know your fellow neighbors and town residents better. It could be lively, funny, contentious, boring, uplifting...or all of these!! Participating is one of the privileges of living in Vermont.....see you there!!