Ilsley Library Reports Back on Community Needs

Past event
Feb 27, 2019, 12:30 to 1:30 PM

Want to know more about what the future holds for Ilsley Library? Want to have some input into the process? Over the past several months, Ilsley Library Director Dana Hart and members of the Ilsley Board of Trustees have held a series of focus groups all around the Middlebury area to find out what local residents are looking for in their library. Dana will summarize the findings of these meetings, collectively known as the Tell Me Tour! on Wednesday, February 27th at 12:30 p.m. in the Jessica Swift Community Meeting Room at the library. If you took part in one of the listening groups, you are especially encouraged to attend to see what others may have said. If you didn't have the opportunity, Ilsley would still love to know what you think! Hope to see you there!

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