Build Your Own Rain Barrel Workshop

Past event
May 4, 2019, 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM

Spring is just around the corner! It's the perfect time of year to consider adding a rain barrel to your home landscape. By using rain barrels you can save water, save money, and save your local streams all at the same time! The Chittenden County Stream Team and Burlington Department of Public Works are hosting a workshop to teach you how to build, install and maintain your own rain barrel. The water you save in a rain barrel can be used for watering lawns and flower gardens, and washing your car or tools. Rain barrels help decrease runoff to Lake Champlain by capturing and holding rain water during a storm, and that means cleaner water for everyone.

What: Burlington Rain Barrel Workshop
When: Session 1: Saturday, May 4th 10:30am-12noon ------ Session 2: Saturday May 4th 1:00-2:30pm
Where: 645 Pine Street, Burlington, VT
Cost: $35 includes cost of materials*

Space limited to 50 rain barrels per session. Burlington residents will be given first priority in registration. Register by visiting or email Stream Team Coordinator, Kristen Balschunat with questions:

*A limited number of scholarships will be available for participants with financial need. Contact Kristen for more information.

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