What Does Johnson Recreation Mean to You?

Past event
Feb 27, 2019, 7 PM

In Article 8 of our upcoming Town Meeting, Johnson has an article for Town Meeting asking if the Town Residents would like to raise $45,000 for a recreation coordinator (please note that this amount would cover all related expenses, not just salary). Whether it passes or not this represents a major shift for recreation activities in Johnson. The programs have grown (from 289 registrations in 2011 to 479 this year) and the volunteers, who each have full-time jobs, cannot continue to give as much time as they have in the past and need assistance. First, I would like to thank all current and past Johnson Recreation Committee volunteers for all of their hard work on behalf of the town. Their hard work is essential to making Johnson the kind of place people might want to live.

Another information session to discuss the Recreation Coordinator position and Article 8 will be held on Wednesday, February 27th at 7:00pm at the Johnson Municipal Offices. If you have questions please consider stopping by to talk and listen.

And now a request: I would like to invite readers to share their experiences with recreation in Johnson. How has having sports available in our community impacted you? Do you use our recreation fields or playgrounds? Has your business benefited as a result of tournaments or games?

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