Free Workshop - Creating Community Art Projects

Past event
Mar 4, 2019, 6 to 8 PM

Wonder how the Chelsea Barn Quilt Trail got started? Would you like to start one in your community, or do you have another community art project in mind?

Members of the Chelsea Arts Collective with be teaching a workshop on community placemaking with art at Bethel University, Monday, March 4th, 6pm-8pm

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Participants will be introduced to the Chelsea Barn Quilt Project as an example of creating an inclusive community art project. A slideshow presentation will be offered with a discussion about the origins of the project, how it has impacted the Chelsea community, and how it has evolved to engage other groups and has created opportunities for regional artists. Time will be allotted for participants to share their vision of an art project for their community and to get feedback from the group.

Carrie Caouette-DeLallo and Sarah Caouette, Co-Founders of the Chelsea Arts Collective,

Carrie is a recently-retired educator who wondered what she would do after 30 years of teaching. She is a painter who has created a number of sustainable community arts programs. She founded the Chelsea Arts Collective in 2018 to organize the first Chelsea Arts on the Green Market & Festival and the Chelsea Barn Quilt Project. She currently manages North Common Arts.

Sarah formed the First Branch Community Collaborative in response to a need for community organizing in Chelsea. She has successfully guided groups in turning their ideas into action or initiatives in her community. Her background is in marketing, education, planning, and management. She is the owner of a gallery cafe in Chelsea, North Common Cafe.

Number of Sessions: This course meets one time.

Learn more about Bethel University and check out more free course listings at BU is a free community pop-up university, created by the Bethel Revitalization Initiative.

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