Tuesday, March 5th is Town Meeting Day, but this year it is also Shrove Tuesday (or Fat Tuesday), the day to eat up all the fattening things in your pantry before the beginning of Lent. This often meant using up flour, sugar and syrup, thus the tradition of having pancakes!! The Greensboro UCC Church invites the community to share a delicious pancake supper. The pancakes are from Carol Smith's recipe and were served at Highland Lodge when she was the cook. Light, fluffy and delicious--just the thing to soak up all that butter and maple syrup. Served with link sausages and apple sauce, these pancakes will provide a very satisfying end to a day of community togetherness! This meal is free, but if you would like to make a small donation, the proceeds will go the the food programs at Lakeview Elementary School. We hope to see you on March 5th!!