Burlington National Eating Disorders Association Walk

Past event
Apr 7, 2019, 10 AM to 12 PM

Join us for the 6th Annual Burlington National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) Walk this year! The event will be at the Royal Tyler Theater Plaza. The goal of a NEDA walk is to raise funds for NEDA's many life-saving programs, raise awareness about eating disorders, work to end the stigma, build community, inspire hope, and provide information about local resources. There will be a variety of fun, body-positive activities before the walk, a recovery speaker, the walk itself, as well as a raffle with wonderful local items!

Registration is free but participants are encouraged to fund-raise! The link to the event is: https://nedawalk.org/burlington2019

Contact Jess Cohen (jessicacohen29@gmail.com) with any questions.

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