Art on Main Community Art Show - Themed

Past event
Jun 7, 2019, 5 to 7 PM

We are thrilled to announce the return of our Community Art Show here at Art on Main. This year's theme will be "Home" which you are free to interpret in as broad a way as you like! Addison County residents are invited to participate and share their artful endeavors with their friends and neighbors. Art on Main artists are invited to show work different from that which they currently sell in the gallery.

The exhibit will take place from June 7 to mid-July and will grace the walls of both Art on Main and the Walkover Gallery who have generously donated their upstairs space for the show

We welcome most media including fine art, photography, quilting, rug hooking, baskets, book arts, ceramics, wood, furniture etc. We may not be able to securely exhibit small items like jewelry so please speak to us if you have ideas in that area.

Artists will be limited to one piece unless they are working on a small scale then we can discuss multiples. A short statement addressing the theme, as well as pertinent details on the piece submitted, must accompany the submissions. Work will be accepted on a first come basis so let us know as soon as you can what you are planning.

Work will need to be delivered to Art on Main by May 28th. We will have an opening reception on June 7th from 5-7 p.m. All are welcome!

We are very excited to see what everyone has been up to so please spread the word and consider sharing your work will all of us!

Art on Main, 25 Main Street, Bristol, VT 05443

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