Guess what's happening in Braintree on March 2nd for the first time in 231 years? Town Meeting will be held on a Saturday! That's right Braintree residents: 2019 Town Meeting will be held Saturday March 2 at 10:00AM at the Braintree Elementary School. Participatory democracy is not just for Tuesday morning anymore!
"BUT WHY?" At last year's Town Meeting, the voters decided to move Town Meeting Day to the Saturday before the traditional "first Tuesday in March," in the hopes that more voters would be able to attend. This change should allow the voters to more easily participate in the decisions made that affect residents of the town.
"BUT I HAVE LITTLE KIDS! THEY CAN'T COME TO TOWN MEETING CAN THEY?" This can be a hurtle for voters with young children... which is a big reason why Town Meeting was moved to the Braintree Elementary School! The added space makes it possible to provide child care for those residents with young children.
"BUT WHAT WILL I EAT?!" Good Question! Everybody knows that best part of participating in the democratic process (besides exercising your right to vote) is LUNCH - and this year is no exception. In long standing Braintree tradition, Town Meeting will be followed by a potluck lunch. Please bring a dish to share while you catch up with old friends and meet new neighbors. There will be a donation bucket for coffee and paper products, with all proceeds going to the Town Hall Restoration Fund.
"BUT SATURDAY IS MY DAY OFF! WHY SHOULD I LEAVE THE HOUSE?!" Town Meeting is one of the last places where everybody gets to have their say, vote with their voice and play a role in how the town will operate for the coming year. Decisions made by the voters at Town Meeting affect how taxes are spent, which in turn affects our lives in Braintree everyday. Please spend a few hours participating in your democracy and we hope to see you at Town Meeting this year.
If you have any questions about Town Meeting, feel free to call the Town Office at 728-9787 and speak with the Administrative Assistant, Holly Jarvis.
Not sure if you're registered to vote in Braintree? Call Jessie Brassard, the Braintree Town Clerk at 728-9787.
An online version of the town report is available here: