West Weathersfield Volunteer Fire Department (WWVFD) is hosting an informational meeting at Martin Memorial Hall, Rte 5 in Ascutney on Saturday, February 23 9-11 a.m.
WWVFD paid for and produced a flyer that was mailed to residents in town earlier this week.
It should be noted that this flyer states the since October 2018 there have been twice a month meetings with the "Select board, Fire Commission, Fire Dept. volunteers and community members.
It should also be noted that the select board suspended the Fire Commission after the Oct. 18, 2018 commission meeting. These meeting minutes are online but were never approved because the commission was suspended by the select board at their Nov. 5, 2018 meeting.
Oct. 18, 2018 Minutes
These minutes include the fire services budget approved by the fire commission.
(The motion to suspend the Fire Commission took place on Nov. 5 and can be found in the select board packet of Nov. 19 page 23/86 (the link to the select board meeting minutes does not work.)
READ MORE: https://photosbynanci.blogspot.com/2019/02/west-weathersfield-fire-department-to.html
Feb 9, 2025, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
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