Salisbury Pre-Town Meeting

Past event
Mar 2, 2019, 2 to 5 PM

Dear Salisbury residents, save the date of Saturday, March 2, beginning at 2:00 p.m. for the annual Salisbury Pre-Town Meeting at the Salisbury School. Your voice and participation are important to us.

Vermont's Town Meeting is a special tradition, almost unique in America today, when neighbors can meet in a manageable, face-to-face fashion to become informed on and discuss issues concerning their community. While the switch to Australian balloting on Town Meeting Day for deciding budgets and officers has diminished the vitality of many towns' meetings, Salisbury's is still going strong.

This is the place to hear from our legislators, school officials, and select board, to talk through items on the town budget, to raise concerns (the roads? the Fish Hatchery? designated village center status?), to become informed on ballot issues, and (if you haven't already done so) to register to vote on Town Meeting Day (Tuesday, March 5). This year we face major decisions on two key town institutions that affect us all -- the pending closure and transformation of the Salisbury Landfill and the operation of the Brandon-Leicester-Salisbury-Goshen mosquito control district.

It is also a place to meet your neighbors over a pot-luck dinner following the formal meeting and to become acquainted with the town's organizations and activities. The room will be set up with displays and representatives from the likes of the Volunteer Fire Department, the Historical Society, the Conservation Commission, the Town Hall Renovation Committee, the Library, the Girl Scouts (have you had a chance to buy your cookies yet?). Child care will be provided.

Salisbury is a remarkable and active community, blessed with events that bring us together with our neighbors – the Christmas tree-lighting, the Art and Chocolate celebration, the Fourth of July Ice Cream Social, historical and conservation talks, the summer concert series, the town Halloween party, school programs, and Town Meeting.

Do join us in keeping our town meeting alive and well and have a voice in our town's future.

The Salisbury Town Meeting Committee

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