Our 4-Town Future Forum - Royalton

Past event
Feb 21, 2019, 6 to 8:30 PM

Mark Your Calendars For - "Our 4-Town Future"
Join us in Royalton - Share Your Ideas for the Future!

You are invited to join friends and neighbors from across the region to discuss assets, challenges, and ideas for the future. This is the first step in a process to identify opportunities, address critical challenges across the region, and connect to resources to move action priorities forward. Attend the session most important to you and come to the free community dinners!
Forums will be facilitated by the Vermont Council on Rural Development, a neutral facilitator of public process invited by the Select boards of each town to work on behalf of the region.

February 21st – White River Valley School, 223 S Windsor South Royalton,
6:00 pm., Free Community Dinner (Menu available on the Town of Royalton website.)
7-8:30 pm Forums: Economic & Cultural Vitality and Affordable Housing & Senior Living.

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