All voters of Calais, Berlin, East Montpelier, Middlesex, and Worcester are invited to be part of the first meeting of the formation of our new Washington Central Unified Union School District.
As of this moment, we are beginning the process of forming one unified school district that will govern our six schools: the five town elementary schools and U-32 Middle and High School. Our separate school boards will cease to exist as of July 1 of this year.
You may have heard that Calais is part of a lawsuit challenging the legality of the forced merger of school districts. Also, the Vermont legislature is considering legislation that would postpone the merger for one year. However, as of this moment neither the lawsuit nor the legislation has been resolved, and so, in the meantime, we are moving ahead with the steps to form the new district.
Come to the U-32 auditorium on Tuesday at 6:00 to vote on several matters, including:
- Election of the officers of the District: moderator, clerk, and treasurer.
- Date and location of the first annual meeting of this new District.
- Whether the election of Board members and approval of the District budget will be decided by floor vote or by Australian ballot.
- Approve compensation for members of the District Board.
- Establish provisions for payment of expenses before the approved budget begins on July 1.
The creation of a new school district is a historic moment, and we encourage Calais voters to participate in this first meeting and vote.
Katie Reed, Calais School Board
Mar 4, 2025, 12 to 1 PM
Ash Wednesday Worship ServiceMar 5, 2025, 5:30 to 6:30 PM
Family Dance in CabotMar 8, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM