City Council / Community Development Trust Meeting

Past event
Feb 19, 2019, 6 to 8:30 PM

Join the Winooski Community Development Trust Board and Winooski City Council for their regular meeting: Tuesday, 2/19/19 – 6:00 pm @ Winooski City Hall (27 W. Allen Street)

Winooski Community Development Trust Board Agenda

I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Regular Items:
a. Approval: Approve FY20 WCDC Trust Fund Allocation in the amount of $150,000.00 to Winooski General Fund for Community Development Corporation – J Baker
IV. Adjourn

Winooski City Council Agenda

I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Agenda Review
IV. Public Comment
V. Consent Agenda
a. Approval: City Council Minutes of February 4, 2019
b. Approval: Warrant ending 02/15/2019; Payroll 01/27/2019 – 02/09/2019 & Subsequent to Payout December
c. Approval: Certificate of Highway Mileage
VI. City Update
VII. Council Reports
VIII. Regular Items:
a. Introduction: Introduce Sarah Franco, AmeriCorps; Claudia Brown, Rec. Activities Asst.; Aaron Fay, Police Officer – J Baker
IX. Public Hearing – 6:05 P.M.
a. Discussion: First Public Hearing on the Draft 2018 Master Plan – E Vorwald
X. Regular Items:
b. Approval: Permitting of a Hotel and Garage on Lot 7D – J Baker
c. Discussion: Myers Pool Rehabilitation – Project Update – J Rauscher
d. Discussion: New Website Preview - P Sarne
e. Approval: Downtown Transportation Fund Grant Application – H Carrington
f. Discussion/Approval: Winooski Small Business Loan Applications Recommendations – H Carrington
• Approval: Application 1 Sweet Babu – 25 Winooski Falls Way Unit 110
• Approval: Application 2 Maggie Hazard dba Wise Rose – 71 Main St.
• Approval: Application 3 Ash + Gold LLC – 35 West Allen St. Suite 1
g. Approval: FY20 Winooski Community Development Corporation Budget – H Carrington
h. Approval: Fire Department Request for the Use of Reserve Funds – J Audy
i. Discussion: Goal Update: Safe, Healthy, Connected People - R Hebert, J Audy, R Coffey
XI. Executive Session:
a. UMB – Executive Session Pursuant to 1 V.S.A. §313 (1) (E) "pending litigation to which the public body is a part" – UMB Bank N.A. v. City of Winooski and (2) "the negotiating….of real estate purchase or lease options"
XII. Adjourn

Download the agendas and meeting packets for this meeting:

Winooski City Council meetings are open to the public - community members are encouraged to participate. For more information on Winooski City Council, visit

Questions regarding this meeting can be sent to Carol Barrett, Winooski City Clerk: / 802 655 6410

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