Future of the Grid - Renewables, Batteries, and More

Past event
Feb 20, 2019, 7 to 8:30 PM

Brian Otley, COO, Green Mountain Power will share his experience about managing the grid with renewables, battery storage, and reducing greenhouse gases. He will speak about the new pricing and energy choices customers will have moving forward in 2019. Topics of discussion will include: Battery storage at different scales (10 kW, 150 kW, over 150kW) and related prices, Smart meters and time of day pricing, Tesla batteries and tomorrow's batteries - learning from the results, Grid constraints and opportunities, Greenhouse gas reduction and carbon pricing, Questions and Answers.

Free event with light refreshments

Community Room, Ilsley Library,
75 Main St, Middlebury, VT
Event sponsored by Acorn Energy Co-op

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