David Brynn's suggestion of a Citizen's Assembly is so timely! Being able to have productive conversations about public issues is especially important during this divisive moment in our country. The Mount Abraham School Board has hired an experienced facilitator, Sue McCormack, to help us build a more sustainable bridge between the many voices in our community and the schools in our Five Town community. Sue has over twenty years of experience working in Vermont and around the country to help communities come together for productive dialogue to change processes that allow them to tackle a range of challenging issues. In addition to her own business, Creative Discourse, she is a longtime Senior Associate with Everyday Democracy, a national organization that has worked with hundreds of communities around the country.
On Saturday, March 16, Sue McCormack will be facilitating a day long workshop for people to gain skills that are helpful to address a wide range of community issues. We will learn about effective engagement, identify key priorities to guide conversations about the future of education in our community, and identify ways to ensure our engagement efforts reach a diverse set of people. Everyone's voice is very important to this conversation! Please considering joining students, educators, parents and residents for this interactive workshop.
The workshop is on 3/16 from 9am-3:30pm at the Bristol Elementary school cafeteria. We will provide lunch and free childcare, as well as transportation assistance if needed. Please RSVP by March 1 to Krista Siringo at krista.siringo@mausd.org. We hope to see you there!!
Mar 8, 2025, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Meet Your Neighbors March 9Mar 9, 2025, 2 to 4 PM
Career Center CMA & Phlebotomy Combined CourseMar 12, 2025, 6 to 9 PM