Protect Your Reproductive Freedom

Past event
Feb 6, 2019, 4 PM


Currently H57: AN ACT RELATING TO PRESERVING THE RIGHT TO ABORTION is taking testimony in Our Statehouse. There will be a public hearing on February 6, 4pm (to sign up to testify) and will begin at 4:30pm at the VT Statehouse in Montpelier.

From the current draft of the bill: "This bill proposes to recognize as a fundamental right the freedom of reproductive choice and to prohibit public entities from interfering with or restricting the right of an individual to terminate the individual's pregnancy."

There are a number of voices in opposition to this bill, attempting to make amendments which give the US Government control over our bodies and Reproductive Freedom (a fundamental right!).


- The public hearing will take place at the VT Statehouse on February 6. You must arrive at 4pm to sign up to testify. The hearing begins at 4:30pm. You are given 2 minutes to speak.

- If unable to attend the hearing in person, email testimonies to

- Whether or not you are able to attend (and whether or not you have testimony to give) EMAIL YOUR SUPPORT of this bill to your local representatives by finding your town on this list:

When contacting your rep include the following:
- Your name
- Your town
- Your contact information (if you would like a response)
- The bill you are supporting (H57, An act relating to preserving the right to abortion)
- Why you support this bill

OUR OPPORTUNITY: In Vermont, H57 introduces an environment in which public bodies have no control over the choice we make for our bodies and the bodies of those we love. Please take action to protect our fundamental right to reproductive freedom.

Please share this post with friends and family!

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