Burton/Large Concert Venue Planning Comm. Meeting

Past event
Jan 29, 2019, 6:30 PM

The Planning Commission's agenda on Tuesday, January 29th at 6:30 in Room 12 of City Hall includes their plan to change our zoning regs to allow up to 49% of Light Industrial real estate in the South End south of Home Ave. to be used for performing arts centers, among many other new conditional uses. Currently, performing arts venues are zoned for Pine Street. See the agenda and associated documents here. https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/PZ/PC/Agendas
Do you share the following concerns?
Is a large, Higher Ground type concert venue appropriate for this neighborhood, surrounded by residential areas? (Performance permits have been repeatedly rejected for outdoor one-time shows along Pine Street due to concern of nearby residential neighbors.)
Should the Zoning Board be changing the Zoning laws to suit the request of one company over preserving the character and safety of the neighborhood? The changes Burton is requesting include expansion of the allowed uses in a Light Manufacturing zone, and an increase from 5000 to 8000 square feet limit to performing arts centers. Is it prudent to allow such significant changes before PlanBTV South End and/or the Champlain Parkway are in place?
Do the zoning laws address the concerns of nearby residents and families about noise, late night alcohol-influenced behavior, increased traffic, and safety? What recourse do we have if these issues become a reality?
Will the Burlington police be able to provide optimal coverage for this area on evenings when there is an event?
A couple of years ago, a woman was shot in downtown Burlington outside a bar late at night. About 10 days ago, just after bars closed Downtown, a man was severely beaten on the street. Is this the kind atmosphere we want to bring to the far South End?
There are further questions and concerns. Is Burton's business plan for a concert venue well thought out and sufficiently robust? Has Burton done their homework via market analysis that shows there is even a need for another concert venue? If approved, what assurances do we have that it will be done right and well managed?

I encourage people to attend this meeting. You can also submit comments via email to the Zoning Commission by writing to Megan Tuttle mtuttle@burlingtonvt.gov or calling 802.865.7193.

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