Play - Pray - Eat at Way Cool Family Worship

Past event
Feb 2, 2019, 3:30 PM

Play ~ 3: 30 - 5: 00 PM: Way Cool Game Time for Kids. Board games, cards, puzzles, quizzes, finger dexterity - fun for kids of any age and their parents. Games supplied, or bring your favorite. The cozy "Undercroft" with lots of tables and floor space is waiting for your family. Jody, the awesome cook from the January event, is leading the charge to win!

Pray ~ 5: 00 - 5: 30 PM: Way Cool new-style Family Worship Service for seekers of satisfying and renewing family worship - it's a half hour service that welcomes all, especially children and those looking for spirituality without formality.

Eat ~ 5: 30 PM: Pizza, cheese & crackers, soup, munchies, veggies and other light fare follows the service for a satisfying meal with new friends, laughter and connection.

WAY COOL SERVICE is offered the first Saturday of the month for family worship. The February 2nd WAY COOL offers Play ~ Pray ~ Eat format. All takes place at Calvary Episcopal Church at 370 VT Route 15, Jericho, VT 05465. WAY COOL is hosted by Calvary Episcopal Church & Good Shepherd Lutheran Church of Jericho, VT. Questions @ 899-3932. All are welcome.

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