Preview of Jan. 28 Council Meeting

Past event
Jan 28, 2019, 7 to 11 PM

Dear Neighbors,

This Monday, the City Council will hold the third of three meetings for the month of January.

The City Council meeting will begin at 7pm in Contois Auditorium in City Hall.

We have a lengthy deliberative agenda as Monday evening is the night we must vote on items to be placed on the March 5 Town Meeting Day ballot.

We have a number of items on our deliberative agenda.
• A presentation from CEDO on the Neighborhood Project.
• We have a second public hearing (the first was at last week's Council meeting) regarding Charter changes that will
appear on the ballot.
• Following the public hearing, a vote on a Charter change to eliminate the Business Personal Property Tax.
• A vote on a Charter change to strength and restructure the Downtown Improvement District.
• A vote on a Charter change to create the Department of Permitting and Inspections and to make the Zoning
Administrator and Planning Director Mayoral Appointments.
• We will then have a public hearing regarding several proposed amendments to our Ordinances in issues including
conditional use exemptions, residential density (removing an additional dwelling unit from multi-family units in the
low-density residential zone) and density calculations.
• Following this public hearing, we will vote on these ordinances.
• A resolution regarding increasing the maximum tax rate for the City's General Fund to be placed on the March 5
ballot for the voter's consideration.
• Our item of particular note on our deliberative agenda is a resolution regarding an advisory ballot question on City
Hall Park. As this has been a contentious issue, I would welcome your feedback on this issue. I am also happy to
supply you with and refer you to information and facts on this issue.

Please keep in mind that you are always welcome to come to a Council meeting and speak on any topic you wish during public forum. This begins at a time certain of 7:30pm at every Council meeting. You may access the Council agenda at Please note that all Council meetings are televised live on BT Channel 317 and streamed live to your computer or phone. Please go to youtube and type in "Burlington City Council meetings" and the live stream will come up.

As always, I welcome your questions and concerns. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

My best,

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