MMU School Board Meeting in Richmond

Past event
Jan 28, 2019, 6:30 PM

The Mount Mansfield school board will meet on Monday January 28th, 6:30 PM at Camels Hump Middle School. We will hear reports from students, any community comments, and any updates from committees. The community engagement committee will present the first draft of our ongoing community engagement plan for feedback from the full board.

The MMU board will discuss the lawsuit filed by the Huntington School District naming us as one of the defendants. We will consider a related motion tabled at the last meeting as we work towards our goal of becoming a single board with one budget and increased capacity to focus on students and education.

If time allows, we will break up into small groups for Policy Governance work previously postponed.

The Mount Mansfield Modified Union School Board and Chittenden East Supervisory Union Governing Board conventionally have joint meetings, generally the first and/or third Mondays of each month. We use a Policy Governance framework to enable the Superintendent to manage the district and allow the board to focus on goals and community engagement. MMMUSD includes Mount Mansfield Union High, Browns River Middle, Camel's Hump Middle, Jericho Elementary, Richmond Elementary, Smilie Memorial (Bolton), Underhill Central, and Underhill I.D. schools. CESU includes Special Education, Transportation, Central Office, and other services for both MMMUSD and the Huntington elementary school. The Brewster Pierce Memorial School Board (Huntington) meets separately.

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