Program: MiddLingo-Teaching Chinese Language & Culture

Past event
Jan 24, 2019, 6 to 7:30 PM

The One World Library Project invites everyone to simultaneous programs at the Lawrence Memorial Library.
While adults and youth are learning about Middlingo, a Chinese language and culture program, children of all ages are invited to join Candy Jiang for Chinese songs and crafts activities, a Chinese noodle bowl and other light snacks. Jiang, a native of Guangzhou in southern China, now lives in Bristol.

As parents knows, young people absorb language easily. Joanna Doria and May Poduschnick grew up speaking Chinese and English, and in turn have raised multilingual children here in Addison County. Middlingo has grown out of their language skills and successes, providing Chinese language camps and after-school programs in Middlebury and Bristol. Through Middlingo, 3 to 12 year olds discover the language and the culture from one of the oldest civilizations in the world.

For more information about Middlingo, check out
For more information on this event or about One World Library Project, contact the Lawrence Memorial Library at 453-2366 or email Marita at
The Library and its programs are open to all and accessible to those with disabilities.

One World Library Project is a local community non-profit that "Brings the World to our Community" through regular programs as well as a collection of adult and children's books and films about world cultures, all of which can be found at the Lawrence Memorial Library.

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