EFAVT Gathering for Editors et al.

Past event
Jan 18, 2019, 6 to 8 PM

Attention: editors, proofreaders, and all manner of wordsmithers!

A wonderful gathering sponsored by the Editorial Freelancers Association is scheduled to happen at Fresh Tracks Farm on Friday evening, January 18, from 6-8:00 p.m.

Address: 4373 Rt 12, in Berlin.

Website: freshtracksfarm.com

Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA) is a wonderful organization. Website: https://www.the-efa.org

Here's some info about the upcoming event on Friday that I copied from recent emails sent by the volunteer organizer:

"All righty!

A few notes on our upcoming gathering:

First of all, I intend for the vibe to be one of getting to know one another (cue Julie Andrews;), and in that vein, would like to ask everyone, during the Getting to Know You portion of our visit, to introduce themselves to the group-at-large (yes, you will be asked to wear the ubiquitous name tag) by answering your own version of the following – Name; Town of residence; Primary editorial occupation (what you do, fave genre, etc.); Direction you would like to see our Chapter go in, be it purely social, perhaps educational, whether you are interested in participating in larger gatherings ([wo]manning a booth at book fests, etc.) on behalf of EFAVT—sky's the limit, really, which is why I wanted to give you the week to think on it.

A gentle reminder to bring a snack or sweet to share, if convenient. And it struck me as obvious that anyone who might want to exchange books should bring them along, and perhaps leave with a new favorite. These could be something you've worked on, or just something you've enjoyed reading.

Our speakers will be Susannah Noel and Nancy Marriott of Editorial Arts Academy (https://editorialartsacademy.com/) and Stephen McArthur of Rootstock Publishing (https://www.rootstockpublishing.com/). They will each speak briefly on their respective businesses and will be open to questions, so feel free to check them out beforehand.

~ Nonmembers, please remember to bring a $3 donation.

Tentative schedule-ish:

Please sign in as you enter
Gather, nosh, settle
Intro by Yours Truly: Welcome to EFAVT
Getting to Know You ~ self-introductions
Social mingling : )

If it is convenient for you, please bring a snack or sweet to share. Wine and seltzers will be available.

Courtney Jenkins"

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