For blood donors willing to give blood to help relieve the shortage, we have a drive scheduled at Mount Ascutney Holiday Inn and Resort at 485 Hotel Road, Brownsville, VT 05037. The following appointments are open and waiting for you: every fifteen minutes from 12:15PM through 3:00PM; every fifteen minutes from 3:30PM through 4:45PM and one appointment at 5:00PM. Please login at or call 1-800-733-2767, search by zip code, and claim your time slot. So far, there is no synthetic replacement for human blood, so many thanks to those that signed up or already donated at another drive. Please consider joining us on February 1 - the goal is 28 units of blood - power reds count as 2 units each.
Assistance can be had by calling Lanie Wadelton at 802-484-1226 (6:30AM-3:00PM) Monday - Friday or 802-376-6676 after 3:30PM and on weekends. We look forward to seeing you!