At age 90, Martin Luther King Jr. would have been thrilled by the company gathered at the White River Gallery @ BALE in South Royalton on Monday, January 21 from 4-6 p.m. That could include you, but the 15 portraits of "Americans Who Tell the Truth" are the biggest draw for a day when we gather to honor perhaps our most well known American truth-teller, Martin Luther King. Join American artist, Robert Shetterly, who for 17 years has been making large format portraits of citizens who courageously address issues of social, environmental, and economic fairness. The portraits and narrative are combined in a way that offers resources to inspire a new generation of engaged Americans who will act for the common good, our communities, and the Earth. Come meet and "hear" from Edward Abbey, Wendell Berry, Kathleen Dean Moore, Walt Whitman, Kelsey Juliana, James Hansen, Rachel Corrie, Woody Guthrie, Terry Tempest Williams, Esther Attean, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Nicole and Jonas Maines, Betty Burkes, Joanna Macy, and the honored guest for this day, Martin Luther King, Jr. This program is, as all programs organized by BALE (Building A Local Economy), free (with donations welcome). The exhibit continues through March 12. Please call for available gallery hours, 802-498-8438.