An Evening of Song with the Michael Hahn Trio

Past event
Jan 19, 2019, 6:30 to 8 PM

Michael Hahn has entertained New England audiences for decades with several popular bands, including: Hornbeam; Don't Call Betty; Hoochie Lombardo; Whetstone and Ten Mile Shuffle Band. His new group, Michael Hahn Band, sometimes performs as a six-piece band, but intimate settings call for a smaller group.
At the Burke Mountain Club on Saturday, January 19, Michael will be joined by John Pheiffer (who earned a Performance Degree from Cincinnati) on cello, and Sid Gulick (a retired nuclear physicist from McGill University), on guitar. They'll play a wide variety of American music, including country, rock, blues, folk, reggae and almost anything except hip hop or opera.

Coffee & light refreshments available. Donations are appreciated.

The Burke Mountain Club is located at 368 Vermont Route 114 in the center of East Burke.

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