Town Meeting Planning

Past event
Jan 14, 2019, 4 PM

For the past two years, a small lively group of Salisbury citizens have met before Town Meeting, to plan exhibits, potluck supper, door prizes and more to bolster interest and participation in Town Meeting. Town Meeting has been a New England citizen-governing tradition for hundreds of years. With various changes in the recent past, such as use of the Australian ballot, and school consolidation, Town Meeting is in danger of disappearing. It CAN be a wonderful time of community connection, discussion of town issues, and learning about town activities and groups, as well as catching up with neighbors. Planning for Town Meeting 2019 is beginning with a meeting on Monday, January 14th, at 4pm, at the home of Barbara and Glenn Andres. Does this sound interesting to you?? Please join us!! It's a great way to meet new folks, contribute to the life of Salisbury, and have fun!! Commitment involves some meetings until Town Meeting Day (March 2nd this year…) and helping out on the day. Contact me, Heidi Willis, ( with any questions, or if you'd like to help out…..thanks!

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