Anti Carbon Tax Rally

Past event
Jan 9, 2019, 9 AM

There is an anti carbon tax rally on the state house lawn Wednesday morning at 9:00 am , there will be speakers and Fellow Vermonters who are tired of the rip off that the carbon tax really is.

Fighting against the carbon tax not only is non -political, it is our right and duty to push back Because Forcing Vermonters to pay through the nose to heat their homes and drive their cars by beating us over the head with a so called Carbon tax is arrogant at best.
It is especially so, when done under the pretense that it will correct so called man made climate change
Because Even the most ardent supporters cannot claim that the carbon tax will have any impact whatsoever.
A volunteer system is an option for those who feel compelled to pay a carbon tax, they can send
a check to the Vermont Department of taxes and be sure to earmark it for climate change abatement
Informative videos' below

It's always been about the cash
VPIRG fairy Dust bomb

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