Lou Bevacqui, Harwood's Middle School Cross Country Coach and Mental Awareness & Resilience Coach will be diving into WHY we do the things we do and will be talking about how our emotions lead us into the choices we make. This workshop will take place on Monday, January 14th from 5:45-7:45pm in the Harwood Library. This is the first workshop of a two part series. The second workshop will be on February 18th and will be facilitated by HUHS Wellness Warriors and HUMS students. The second workshop will focus on a community review of Harwood's Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Both of these workshops are open to all HUUSD Parents and Community Members although they are geared to Harwood Union Middle/High School parents/guardians. A light dinner and babysitting will be offered at both events. Please RSVP for the START Right Workshop by contacting Tara Cariano at tcariano@wwsu.org by THIS Friday, January 11th. Any questions about either of these events can also be directed to Tara. These workshops are sponsored by the Harwood Wellness Warriors, The Rowland Foundation, Hannah's House and Harwood Union's Coordinated School Health Team. For more information about Lou Bevacqui, please visit https://loubevacqui.com/
Jan 23, 2025, 6 to 9 PM
Coffee & Chat with Rep. Dara TorreJan 25, 2025, 10 to 11 AM
Experience the Musical Magic of Culomba!Jan 25, 2025, 3 to 4:30 PM