SCA Medieval Yule Celebration

Past event
Jan 19, 2019, 2 to 7 PM

The Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA) Shires of Panther Vale and Mountain Freehold's joint holiday festivity will be held on Sat., Jan. 19, 2019 at the St. James Episcopal Church in Essex Junction.

This will be a pot-luck feast, so bring what you can to share. (Fear not, there's always plenty of tasty offerings.) Please bring a list of ingredients with your dish. Crockpots are welcome. Food need not be period, but this is a great chance to try out whatever new recipe you've had your eye on.

Performers are welcome during the afternoon and during the feast. We'll have a table for board games. Feel free to bring projects in progress to show others what you've been up to. In the convivial spirit of the season, consider this a great time to chat with someone unfamiliar, and make a new friend or two.

The site allows wine and beer, discreetly. No pets. No flames, but bring battery candles to add ambiance, if you can. The site opens at 2 pm and the event ends at 7 pm., with doors locked by 8 pm.

If you like, bring a SCA-related gift for the Mathom Exchange. Bring something, leave with something else... we'll explain the rules.

Cost: $15 ($10 for SCA members) for adults. Ages 7-17 are $5, and it's free for ages 6 and under.

Site address: 4 St. James Place, Essex Junction VT (near the back entrance to the Champlain Valley Fairgrounds, off Route 2A.)

Any questions about the event, please contact:, or

On Facebook, the event can be found here:

The SCA is a worldwide medieval recreation group with active groups in Vermont. The SCA offers an immersive, medieval experience with an anachronistic twist. The SCA offers many activities, such as heavy list (armored) fighting, fencing, archery, thrown weapons, and endless medieval arts & science offerings. The local yule is a lovely, smaller, SCA event that is great for first time attendees to get a taste of the SCA. At SCA events, you are expected to participate, meaning, look the part, so, wearing garb is required. Garb need not be anything complicated. You just need to make some attempt at looking medieval. If you don't have anything you think would work well, the event does offer loaner garb, called Gold Key. Please message the organizers (emails listed above) to let them know if you will be needing the use of Gold Key. For general questions about the SCA, please contact

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