This dinner will feature authentic German food as coordinated by JoAnn Gaffron-Hargrove, who has lived in Germany. Cost is $15 per adult, $8 for children 12 & under; no charge for pre-school children.
Rotkohl (sweet and sour red cabbage)
Kartoffel Klosse (potato dumplings)
Petersilienkartoffeln (parsley potatoes)
Gurken Salat mit Dill (cucumber salad with dill)
Rote Gruetze mit Vaniliesosse (red berry pudding with vanilla sauce.)
The dinner is a fundraiser for the Meetinghouse. Contact to reserve a spot/
Dec 22, 2024, 4:30 to 8 PM
Reading Select Board Special Meeting MondayDec 23, 2024, 5:15 to 6 PM
Story Time at the LibraryDec 25, 2024, 10 to 11 AM