BCRC Energy Forum Workshop

Past event
Jan 31, 2019, 5:30 to 7:30 PM

If you would like to make sure your town is well-positioned to take advantage of the green economy, this is a very important workshop to attend.

The BCRC is working with Efficiency Vermont and the Vermont Energy and Climate Action Network to bring an important workshop to the area on January 31.

There are a lot of great ideas for advancing Vermont's ambitious energy goals, including obtaining 90% of all of our energy from renewable sources by 2050, but those ideas require action at the local level.

There are programs and resources to help with initiatives focusing on home weatherization, alternative heating systems, transportation options, and more – but they need the support of local volunteers and advocates.

One of the topics covered will focus on the importance of creating a town energy committee and how to do this. There is money out there to support infrastructure to increase energy efficiency and to save us all money. It is crucial that towns form official energy committees asap so they can create customized plans specific to their own locales and then be able to more readily receive funding and support to put the plans into action. Having a committee essentially gives us a seat at the table so we can get on with enjoying the benefits.

I hope you will attend, as well as your town officials. (As an Arlington resident, I, Stephanie, am particularly hopeful to see Arlington officials attend.)

Place: Martha Canfield Library in Arlington, VT

When: Thursday, Jan 31st, from 5:30-7:30.
Food: 5:30-6:00. Presentation: 6:00-7:30.

Free Food provided but please RSVP via SurveyMonkey so they can plan to buy enough food: Madison at BCRCVT

Or: Questions & RSVP: Madison at 802-447-0713, ext 9

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