Monthly Energy Committee Meeting This Coming Monday

Past event
Jan 7, 2019, 7 to 8:30 PM

The monthly meeting of the Marshfield Energy Committee will be this coming Monday at 7:00pm. We meet in the upstairs of the old schoolhouse common. The tentative agenda for the meeting is below.

Select a facilitator
Public comment
Agenda modification
Approval of previous minutes
Town report discussion.
Act 174 update
Copies with edits should be returned to Nick. Digital or hard copies are fine.
Update on planned activities (Jimmy Kennedy Breakfast; Plainfield community supper)
Discussion about the Marshfield Dam.
Update from dam visit, selectboard visit.
Climate change discussion follow up meetings (if needed).
Twinfield solar and weatherization update, charging station grant (if needed).
Discussion about charging station grant application (if needed)
Update on book/video purchases (if needed)
Plainfield update
Discussion about weatherization (if needed)
Discussion about multi-unit home weatherization efforts.
Possible purchase of IR camera.
Draft agenda for next meeting

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