Film: Carbon Nation at Jeudevine Library Jan. 9

Past event
Jan 9, 2019, 7 to 8:30 PM

"CARBON NATION", a documentary movie about climate change SOLUTIONS, will be shown at the Jeudevine Memorial Library at 7 PM on Wednesday, January 9 (snow date January 16). CARBON NATION is an optimistic, solutions-based, non-preachy, non-partisan film that shows tackling climate change boosts the economy, increases national & energy security and promotes health & a clean environment. The film is an entertaining, informed and pragmatic primer about why it's incredibly smart to be a part of the new, low-carbon economy: it's good business. While other good films have been about problems, blame and guilt, carbon nation is a film that celebrates solutions, inspiration and action.

This 84 minute film will be followed by refreshments and discussion.For information call the library at 472-5948.Find out more about the film at:

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