There is going to be a rally in Montpelier on 9 January from 9 am – 2 pm opposing the Carbon Tax. Please join us, and wear your yellow vest or any obvious piece of yellow clothing.
You may have heard that under the Golden Dome they are going to consider a Carbon Tax for 2019. Or maybe you haven't heard about it. You need to know what this will mean for everyone.
A Carbon Tax would be added to all fuels; propane, natural gas, heating fuel, and gas. The carbon tax would initially add 83 cents to a gallon of gasoline. Fuel oil and propane would see 40 cents per gallon increase.
It's not just as simple as that though. Everyone, and I mean everyone, will suffer in more ways than one. The cost of everything, and I mean everything, will go up; food, wood, wood pellets, clothes. Well, let's make it simple - anything that is delivered to anyone anywhere in Vermont, the price will have to go up to offset the Carbon Tax.
The Capital Budget has already earmarked $21,000,000 of taxpayer dollars to start the process.
Here are some points to help you see what a travesty a Carbon Tax would be:
The Environmental Protection Agency admits a carbon tax would do nothing to prevent global climate change.
It is a tax on transportation fuels like gasoline, a tax on heating fuels and on most forms of electricity.
It will certainly increase the cost of all goods and services.
It disproportionately hurts low-income communities and seniors.
It will damage Vermont's economic competitiveness.
It is not a market-driven solution.
It is a tool for Montpelier to continue wasteful government spending.
It is not "revenue-neutral".
Companies will certainly have to shift production to states or countries without a carbon tax
The American public is opposed to it. When asked, the American people reject the idea of a carbon tax, with over 60% of people opposing the idea. This scheme only has support among people who want to increase the cost of energy in America.
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