Progressive Party Caucus

Past event
Jan 6, 2019, 6 PM

Hello neighbors,

It is once again time for Burlington Progressives to choose City Council candidates to run for office in March and we need your help deciding which candidates should be part of the Progressive slate! To do this, Progressives will hold a caucus on Sunday, January 6th, at 6pm, at the Sustainability Academy.

This year all 4 City Council district seats are up for election. These seats are currently represented by:

North District – Dave Hartnett (D/R)
South District – Joan Shannon (D)
East District – Richard Deane (D)
Central District – Jane Knodell (P)

Caucus participants will have the opportunity to hear from the candidates seeking to run as Progressives, and to vote for the people they think should receive the Progressive endorsement for City Council. Any resident of Burlington can participate in the caucus providing that they:

1. Are an eligible voter in Burlington (we will have voter registration forms available at the caucus)
2. Have not voted in the Democratic or Republican Caucus for 2019 elections.
3.Support the Progressive Platform and Statement of Principles. These documents can be found at

In addition to endorsing our slate of City Council candidates, we shall also vote to endorse candidates for Inspector of Elections and Ward Clerk. If you are interested in running for any of these positions, please reach out to Party Director, Josh Wronski, at

You can also visit the Facebook event page at the link below for updated information on the caucus.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the caucus on Sunday, Jan 6th!

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