Rotary Club of Charlotte-Shelburne-Hinesburg Dec. 19

Past event
Dec 19, 2018, 7:30 to 8:30 AM

The Rotary Club of Charlotte, Shelburne and Hinesburg will meet this Wednesday, December 12th at 7:30am. This week's program will feature a talk by Lt. Mikel Arcovitch, the Public Relations Officer at the Vermont National Guard, who will speak about the many goings on at the Guard. Membership in Rotary is open to anyone who lives or works in the towns covered and visitors are always welcome. The club meets in the Fellowship Hall behind Trinity Episcopal Church in Shelburne. Breakfast, as usual, will be served.

Programs for the next three meetings are: No meeting on December 26th. The meeting for January 2nd will be filled by an in-gathering of materials for the Hands to Honduras - Tela trip in February and on January 9th Craig Stephens, owner of the Wild Hart Distillery.

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