Tinmouth Community Christmas Food Baskets
Food Drive
Saturday, December 15th
9:00 AM until 11:00 AM
in the basement of the Tinmouth Community Church
These items will be used to fill 25 or so food baskets for less fortunate families in town, who really appreciate your generosity. Or you can drop them off at the Town Office anytime between now and then. The Mill River Union High School National Honor Society is helping with this effort; they will be providing turkeys and all the fixings (having organized food drives in all the schools in the district and done fund raising to purchase turkeys). We will then add to those baskets with more food and other items.
Non-Perishable Food Items such as peanut butter, jelly/jam, applesauce, pineapple, oatmeal, cereal, flour, sugar, oil, soup, pasta, spaghetti sauce, juice, boxed cake mixes, stuffing, tuna fish, crackers, rice, mac and cheese, beans
Household Items such as laundry detergent, dish soap, hand soap, shampoo, facial tissue, toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper
Pet Food such as canned cat food, canned dog food, small bag dry dog food, small bag dry cat food, dog or cat treats
Also needed are monetary donations to help cover the costs of perishable items such as meat, milk, juice, eggs, produce, fruit, and bread. Tax-deductible contributions can be made to the Roy and Anne Wilbur Fund (which in under the umbrella of the Tinmouth Community Church), and left at the town office or mailed to 515 North End Rd, Tinmouth, VT 05773.
Also needed are monetary donations to help provide clothes and gifts for kids (books, socks, mittens, toys, etc.)
Thank you very much for your help and caring for our neighbors!!
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